The kg/cm2 to cmhg
conversion calculator below help you to quickly and accurately, find the equal value for the selected pressure unit. First Select the pressure unit to convert from, then enter the value to convert. The result will display below. This calculation works on
conversion factor
1 kg/cm2 = 73.5559 cmhg Similarly
1 cmhg = 0.0136 kg/cm2 .
kg/cm2 to cmhg conversion table
Kg/cm2 cmhg 0.1 7.3556 0.2 14.7112 0.3 22.0668 0.4 29.4224 0.5 36.7780 0.6 44.1335 0.7 51.4891 0.8 58.8447 0.9 66.2003 1 73.5559 1.1 80.9115 1.2 88.2671 1.3 95.6227 1.4 102.9783 1.5 110.3339 1.6 117.6894 1.7 125.0450 1.8 132.4006 1.9 139.7562 2 147.1118 2.1 154.4674 2.2 161.8230 2.3 169.1786 2.4 176.5342 2.5 183.8898 2.6 191.2453 2.7 198.6009 2.8 205.9565 2.9 213.3121 3 220.6677 3.1 228.0233 3.2 235.3789 3.3 242.7345 3.4 250.0901 3.5 257.4457 3.6 264.8012 3.7 272.1568 3.8 279.5124 3.9 286.8680 4 294.2236 4.1 301.5792 4.2 308.9348 4.3 316.2904 4.4 323.6460 4.5 331.0016 4.6 338.3571 4.7 345.7127 4.8 353.0683 4.9 360.4239 5 367.7795 5.1 375.1351 5.2 382.4907 5.3 389.8463 5.4 397.2019 5.5 404.5575 5.6 411.9130 5.7 419.2686 5.8 426.6242 5.9 433.9798 6 441.3354 6.1 448.6910 6.2 456.0466 6.3 463.4022 6.4 470.7578 6.5 478.1133 6.6 485.4689 6.7 492.8245 6.8 500.1801 6.9 507.5357 7 514.8913 7.1 522.2469 7.2 529.6025 7.3 536.9581 7.4 544.3137 7.5 551.6692 7.6 559.0248 7.7 566.3804 7.8 573.7360 7.9 581.0916 8 588.4472 8.1 595.8028 8.2 603.1584 8.3 610.5140 8.4 617.8696 8.5 625.2251 8.6 632.5807 8.7 639.9363 8.8 647.2919 8.9 654.6475 9 662.0031 9.1 669.3587 9.2 676.7143 9.3 684.0699 9.4 691.4255 9.5 698.7810 9.6 706.1366 9.7 713.4922 9.8 720.8478 9.9 728.2034 10 735.5590 10.1 742.9146 10.2 750.2702 10.3 757.6258 10.4 764.9814 10.5 772.3369 10.6 779.6925 10.7 787.0481 10.8 794.4037 10.9 801.7593 11 809.1149 11.1 816.4705 11.2 823.8261 11.3 831.1817 11.4 838.5373 11.5 845.8928