All TopicsQuiz Instrumentation Test – 3 May 2, 2021 4instrumentation20 1.Which control is used to eliminate offset by producing the output proportional to the error over time? Add description here! A. Proportional B. Derivative C. Integral D. None of the above None 2. Which type of valve cant withstand very high temperature? A. Globe valve B. Gate valve C. Weir Diaphragm Valve D. Trunnion Ball Valve None 3. While calibrating the DP transmitter the LP side of the TX condition A. Connected to the calibrator B. Isolated C. Open to atmosphere D. None of above None 4.What is the main advantage of foundation field bus? A.Reduces space in panel room B.Less cable usage C. No power required D. Both A and B None 5. Which is not true related to Hydrogen sulfide gas ? A. Colourless B. Odourless C. Lighter than air D. none of the above None 6. What is ESD system stands for A. Electronic safety device B. Electrical safeguard drive C. Emergency switch damper D. Emergency Shutdown None 7. when will the air lock relay get activated? 1. Positioner output dropped 2. Electrical signal failed 3. Pneumatic supply Failed 4. I/p Converter output not linear None 8. what is the working principle of Magnetic flowmeter? Faradays law ohms law bernoullis eddy current None 9. The Trip signal to stop a motor will passed from which module? analog input analog output digital input digital output None 10. Which type of thermocouple uses nicrosil-nisil ? A. K B. J C. S D. N None Time’s up