
Find milliamps from the known process variable

A simple method to find milliamps(mA)  from the given process variable(PV) and vice versa. 


     \[mA=\left ( \frac{PV-LRV}{SPAN} \right )16+4\]


Consider a transmitter is reading 45kg/cm2.And the range of the transmitter is 0 to 100kg/ to find the mA for the process variable.

PV    = 45   LRV =0 URV=100 SPAN=100

    \[mA=\left ( \frac{45-0}{100} \right )16+4\]\[mA=\left ( \frac{45}{100} \right )16+4\]\[mA=\left ( 0.45 \right )16+4\]\[mA=7.2+4\]\[mA=11.2\]

For Example, if the output of the transmitter is 16.2mA. And the range of the transmitter is 0 to 100kg/ to find the PV for the output mA.

mA    = 16.2 LRV =0 URV=100 SPAN=100

    \[16.2=\left ( \frac{PV-0}{100} \right )16+4\]\[16.2-4=\left ( \frac{PV}{100} \right )16\]\[12.2=\left ( \frac{PV}{100} \right )16\]\[\frac{12.2}{16}=\left ( \frac{PV}{100} \right )\]\[PV=\frac{12.2}{16}*100\]\[PV=76.25\]

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