
FT full form

FT full form is Flow Transmitter. This is one of the abbreviations used by control and instrumentation specialists to save time during communication or writing . The abbreviations make it easier to identify the system, process, and equipment in a shorter manner.

Flow Transmitter

Similar abbreviation like FT full form

FT – Flow Transmitter
PT – Pressure Transmitter
TT – Temperature Transmitter
LT – Level Transmitter
FCV – Flow Control Valve
PCV – Pressure Control Valve
LCV – Level Control Valve
TC – Temperature Controller
LC – Level Controller
FC – Flow Controller
PSV – Pressure Safety Valve
PIC – Pressure Indicator Controller
LIC – Level Indicator Controller
TIC – Temperature Indicator Controller
PID – Proportional-Integral-Derivative
CV – Control Valve
PV – Process Variable
SP – Setpoint
MV – Manipulated Variable
PI – Proportional-Integral
PD – Proportional-Derivative
P&ID – Piping and Instrumentation Diagram
HMI – Human-Machine Interface
DCS – Distributed Control System
PLC – Programmable Logic Controller
SCADA – Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition
LDT – Level Detector
FDT – Flow Detector
TDT – Temperature Detector
PDT – Pressure Detector
LVL – Level
FG – Flow Gauge
PG – Pressure Gauge
TG – Temperature Gauge
LG – Level Gauge
HX – Heat Exchanger
RCD – Remote Controlled Valve
MCC – Motor Control Center
MCCP – Motor Control Center Panel
MCB – Motor Circuit Breaker
VCB – Vacuum Circuit Breaker
OSD – On Screen Display
EC – Emergency Control
BPC – Bypass Controller
IPT – Intelligent Positioner
ARV – Air Release Valve
CCV – Concentric Check Valve
FCU – Flow Control Unit
SDV – Solenoid Diaphragm Valve
UV – Ultra Violet
HP – High Pressure
LP – Low Pressure
HTR – Heater
PRV – Pressure Relief Valve
PC – Pressure Controller
FS – Flow Switch
LS – Level Switch
TS – Temperature Switch
PS – Pressure Switch
ESD – Emergency Shutdown