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And Gate Truth Table

The logic to control the process is achieved by using the gates. In which AND gates are used for conditions like motor start permissive. And gate output will be enabled only when all the inputs connected are true. The truth table for the AND Gate is shown in the diagram below.

As you see in the diagram for the understanding purpose the AND gate working is designed using the wiring diagram. Switch A and B act as the input signals. And Output is indicated by a lamp and if the output is true you will see a green indication.

  • And for condition 1 as you see if both the switch is in open condition, the supply from the source will not reach the lamp. And hence the lamp is in the off state.
  • And for condition 2 and 3, one of the switches are kept in open condition, still, the power supply can’t reach the lamp, hence the lamp is off state.
  • At condition 4 both the switches are closed making way for the power supply to light the lamp.

This AND Gate is used in plc, DCS, ESD, etc to create process control logic design as per the requirement. Hope now you have got a basic understanding of AND gate truth table.

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